Pick up thy cross and follow me 2

Publicado: 20 febrero, 2013 en Sin categoría

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

What is Gods ´sake, and how far are we willing to go with Christ? Are we ready to go all the way? if we don´t, then we are not dead to the world and to sin, and we are still fixed on it.

Those who are stuck up on worldly things are not sharing the same GOAL with God.

To talk about Gods ´sake is to talk about His CAUSE, and for every cause there is a reaction. Jesus is our ACTION, we are His reaction. His cause was to die for the world and to buy our pardon.

His cause was the ultimate sacrifice in order to please the Father, through His blood, and through His sacrifice only. But, what is our particular cause? Is it to die? No, it isn´t to die, for we are already dead to sin and to this world (according to the Apostle Paul), and we are hidden in Him.

Yet, our Goal is one in the same with Him. We are to love our NEIGHBOR in a special kind of way. I am not talking about giving your neighbor a Hug or showing of any physical signs of tenderness or emotions (though at times it might be appreciated) but, what about telling him the TRUTH about Jesus? About his love, about His Grace, about His Mercy, about His plan of Salvation for a a world doomed to condemnation?

He said: For what so ever ye do unto these little ones, ye did unto me. 

If you love your neighbor,( and no one puts it to doubt, or to blame, for only God can search the conscience and the heart of men, and only we are responsible for our acts,deeds, and words). you are surely loving the Lord.

But, who is my neighbor? (One might ask). We must take the crucial decision to understand and accept who this neighbor might  be.

Think about it for a moments ´time. Is it the one who lives next door to us? Is it the one who loves you back and is willing to do you unconditional favors and services for what you´ve done for him or her? Or, is it the one who deceitfully and despitefully uses us? It is our decision to think and to ponder upon this matter or not.

Who did God love when His precious Son was nailed to the cross? «For God so loved the world…» This is to say: (unconditionally), with unconditional love, with no exception of persons. That included and includes ALL, even those of us who hate and despise Him.

«Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves, asked Jesus to a certain lawyer?» And he answered: «He that shewed mercy on him.»

GO and DO thou Likewise» … sayeth the Lord. Let us go and do likewise this day.

Jueves 06 Septiembre 2012


Gen 21:10

 10 Echa a esta sierva y a su hijo, porque el hijo de esta sierva, no ha de heredar con Isaac mi hijo”.

Cuando Sara le pide a Abraham que despida a “esa mujer (Agar), y su hijo (Ismael)”, ¿cuál fue la divina respuesta?

12 “No te parezca grave a causa del muchacho y de tu sierva; en todo lo que te dijere Sara, oye su voz, porque en Isaac te será llamada descendencia”.

La epístola a los Gálatas (en consonancia con versos anteriores), nos revela algunas porciones bíblicas de sumo interés. El capitulo 4 nos revela una alegoría entre la esclavitud y lo que es libre, entre herederos y no herederos.

28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. 29 Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora”. 30 Más ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre.”

A veces, pensamos que porque somos cristianos, estamos libres de enredos. Pero, nos enredamos (lo hacemos).  Al igual que Lot, llegamos a las puertas de esa gran ciudad, la ramera, y rozamos la contaminación de ellos. “Estad pues firmes en la libertad con que Cristo nos hizo libres, y no estéis otra vez sujetos al yugo de esclavitud.”(Efe 5:1).Porque “Ninguno que milita se enreda en los negocios de la vida, a fin de agradar a aquel que lo tomó por soldado.” (2 Tim 2:4).  Y, “ciertamente, si habiéndose ellos escapado de las contaminaciones del mundo, por el conocimiento del Señor y salvador Jesucristo, enredándose otra vez en ellas son vencidos, su postre estado viene a ser peor que el primero. Porque mejor les hubiera sido no haber conocido el camino de la justicia, que después de haberlo conocido, volverse atrás del santo mandamiento que les fue dado. Pero le ha acontecido lo del verdadero proverbio: El perro vuelve a su vomito, y la puerca lavada a revolcarse en el cieno.” (2Ped2:20-22).

A veces, sentimos la tentación de revolcarnos con el mundo. No queremos ser diferentes. Queremos, al igual que todos, destacar. Que todos vean, que aunque somos cristianos, somos enrollados. Que podemos participar de todo lo que ellos hacen y que tenemos inmunidad porque somos cristianos, hijos de un Dios Altísimo, que todo lo ve, pero todo lo calla y lo perdona. Pero, no es así. Está más cerca de lo que pensamos. Se dice que los ojos de Dios están sobre los justos (sal 34:15-16). ¿Por qué? Para estar atento. Atentos sus oídos al clamor de ellos. La ira de Dios contra los que hacen mal, para cortar de la tierra la memoria de ellos.   18 Cercano está Jehová a los quebrantados de corazón; y salva a los contritos de espíritu (es decir a los arrepentidos de espíritu). Es por ello que nos dice que salgamos de en medio de ellos. “Echa fuera la esclava (el mundo y su justicia, el pecado que nos asedia, la maldad, la corrupción del alma y del hombre espiritual), y luego, también su hijo. (¿Quién será ese hijo para que también sea echado?). Por si acaso algo se me ha escapado, ese hijo es simbólico de ello. ¿Por qué? Pues, porque no heredará. No con nosotros.  

Efesios 4:22 En cuanto a la pasada manera de vivir, despojaos del viejo hombre, que está viciado conforme a los deseos engañosos, 23 y renovaos en el espíritu de vuestra mente, 24 y vestíos del nuevo hombre, creado según Dios en la justicia y santidad de la verdad

Minientrada  —  Publicado: 12 septiembre, 2012 en Sin categoría

El hacer su voluntad

Publicado: 12 septiembre, 2012 en Reflecciónes, Thoughts

El hacer su voluntad

Dios requiere de nosotros un serio compromiso. Pero, para cumplir con ese compromiso, hace falta estar en su perfecta voluntad. Si yo, por ejemplo, le pido que me use en algún área, eso requiere compromiso por mi parte.

Pero, a veces, (yo no digo siempre; pero a veces) pedimos y no recibimos porque pedimos para nuestros deleites, y no para la gloria de Dios. ¿Qué es lo que le estamos pidiendo a Dios? ¿Pedimos para que otros puedan decir: “mira cómo Dios nos usa”? (Cuando dice la Biblia que Dios no comparte su gloria).  Cuando Dios nos bendice, y  otros pueden ver a Dios reflejado en nuestras vidas, es el resultado y consecuencia de estar en su perfecta voluntad y sumiso en obediencia.

“Entonces dije: He aquí, vengo; En el rollo del libro está escrito de mí El hacer tu voluntad, Dios mío, me ha agradado, y tu ley está en medio de mi corazón.”

David (Sal.51), hace una plegaria (no para recibir las bendiciones de Dios), sino pidiendo purificación. El resultado de esa plegaria es asombroso.

“He aquí, tu amas la verdad en lo más íntimo (en lo más secreto). Y en lo secreto me has hecho comprender sabiduría (sal.51:6). (..¿Recuerda? he aquí viene la hora y la hora es ya. Cuando los verdaderos adoradores adoraran en espíritu y verdad).

Para enseñar a los transgresores sus caminos (los caminos de Dios), hay una serie de eventos que deben de ocurrir en nuestras vidas: Reconocimiento, Arrepentimiento, Acercamiento y Renovación.

Reconocer que somos transgresores, y que tenemos la necesidad de arrepentimiento, y perdón de nuestros pecados. Y la necesidad de un acercamiento por nuestra parte, y una renovación de espíritu. Vamos, que una reconciliación total por nuestra parte.

Ésta última siendo tan preciosa. Fíjate lo que dice (sal.51:10):

10Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio, y renueva un espíritu recto dentro de mí.

12Vuelveme el gozo de tu salvación y espíritu noble me sustente.

¿Por qué David, por qué quieres todo esto? ¿(Un corazón limpio, espíritu recto, estar en su presencia, purificación del alma, comprender en lo más íntimo)? Para enseñar, dice.

“Entonces enseñaré a los transgresores tus caminos, y los pecadores se convertirán a ti”.

El hacer su voluntad, es algo que nos debe agradar. “He aquí, vengo (Sal.40:7).

¿De dónde vienes, de hacer tu voluntad, de cumplir con tus caprichos y los deseos de tu corazón, de tu principado soberano (soberbia)? ¡NO! Vienes de la comunión con Dios y la renovación del espíritu. ¿Por qué? “Porque en el rollo del libro está escrito de mí”. Y de ti, y cuantos aman la verdad y la comunión, en lo más íntimo.

Today i am very sad and overwhelmed by so many emotion filled, thoughts. Because despite the economical situation we are forced to cope with in Spain, which I can live with, this morning, i heard in the news about a newborn child, that has been surgically intervened in the city of Córdoba, south of Spain, because although he was born with testicles, he has no male genitalia (penis). A phenomena which can occur every so many millions of children. The child urinated and defecated through the anal canal. The surgeons that have intervened, have done so for humanitarian reasons. In this manner the child will be able to identify his sexuality and not feel different from others. They have reconstructed a male genitalia. The truth is that it will
only be an appendige with no use what so ever. As the child grows, he will have to be continually intervened in order to resize the extremity. He continúes to urinate through the anal orífice. Now i know my problems are so small. Having health and God, everything is going to be allright.

Minientrada  —  Publicado: 15 junio, 2012 en Sin categoría

Publicado: 8 febrero, 2012 en Reflecciónes, Thoughts

I have come to the conclusion that prayer, sometimes, can be considered as an unborned child, in its’ mothers’ womb, whose father and authur remains or chooses to remain (galavanting) back & forth in the waiting area, or hall ways. Nervously & impatiently awaiting the outcome & end results. Not wanting, in any wise, to participate in its’ Birth, yet, desiring to hold the child in arms; to contemplate wether the beauty, or the likeness of the child, Will in any wise, have the appearance,likeness, or similitude of its’ progenitor.

O, what a disappointment for many to find it wasn’t at all what we expected. So, as we sometimes take the child for a stroll, through the park, in the coolness of the day; we find the prying eyes of many who are trying to take a closer look, at the infants’ nakedness. To see wether it is certain what is said of that child. Some, out of politeness, will revere the child, as though not to offend the parents, others will say anything that may not sound to drastic, but somehow, manage to bring out the worst through their words. 

 But the adversary will surely accuse you. He will surely point out the less desirable flaws and similitudes. Now, if your anything but admirable, you certainly won’t expect for him to look like you, or at least hope the child will be more graceful in appearance. 

Ahh, but He who searches and sees all sayeth: the heart is deceitful above all things, and desparately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reigns, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

If we are anything like our brother Peter (the Apóstol), then we are in for a long wait.

(Matthew 26:40) And He cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter,  What, could ye not watch with me one hour?

I remember once, a man telling me, wether in the flesh or in the spirit, I know not, except God, and that man, how he had ascended to the third heaven, just like Paul. And he saw, the Lord had a treasure box which was opened, and the Lord said to him,  choose unto yourself a gift, but he would prefer no other gift than the word of God. Rightfully has he chosen, and no man can take that away from him. The Lord then, straight forward asked him to do one thing more for Him. To give Him one hour a day in prayer. Thing which the majority of us are really not willing to do. And he found himself within himself again.

Just how much of our time are we dedicating to God? And if we are, are we awaiting patiently that new born child,whose true author & father is the Spirit?  What is your purpose behind that prayer? Is it within Gods’ perfect will?

Remember, like wise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of  God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord, to them who are called according to his purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to His image, the image of His son, that He might be the first born among many brethren.

That which is born of us needs look like Him and less of us. It must be conformed to His likeness & image. That all who look upon it, may  see its true beauty and share the joy of a new born babe. That He may be the firstborn always in our life.

Remember the words of our beloved brother Paul: it is no longer I but Christ.

You know, life was never more simpler, then when we serve the Lord. I remember my first years as a christian. Didn´t have a television in my room, hardly listened to the radio (of course I chose to live that way), but, oh the Love of God which reigned and continues to reign in my life, was ever so present round about me. Didn´t have time to enjoy life (as we know it to be,..that worldly life), because I was so busy trying to be a good steward, a steward for Christ. Now that I ponder upon it, it couldn´t have gotten any simpler. I wouldn´t have changed anything then, and I refuse to change anything now. Living a life for Christ is not an easy thing to do, in a world so filled with hatred and abominations. Yet, it is indeed easier to please God then to please the world.

Life is so much happier and plentiful when we occupy our minds and our lives with the richness of the knowledge of God, which is in Christ Jesus, through the Word and Obedience to the same, than with all that the world has to offer us with its disobedience.  The world is constantly changing and we are constantly having to adapt ourselves to this changing world, but, our God is an unchanging God. He is the same from everlasting to everlasting.  And what is it that He asks of us in exchange but one thing? OBEDIENCE. Obediece to His Word, and His Word is infallible.

Being obedient to God means to stop sacrificing that which He has not ordained from us. When we obey God, we love Him. Often, we say we don´t have time for God, when we really want to say: we don´t love you because we are too busy loving ourselves and this world, which we fail to forsake. But our friend Matthew (through his gospel) reveals to us an irony of life. Chapter 17:24 states: Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.

Have you found yourself lately? I find, that with each coming day, I must lose my life for His sake, in order to find it. For it is when I save it, that I lose a little more. What is your cross? and what your gain? I prefer to lose my life for His sake, rather than to gain the world, for I was unworthy of His cross, yet Jesus made me worthy. For this reason alone must I pick up my cross each day and carry on. It doesn´t matter how heavy it may become at times, His cross was made heavier for my sake. Let nothing deter you from following Jesus. When we begin to remove all those things that hinder us, things that occupy the Lords time, we will find how simple it was all the time, to serve Him.


Hibernation, Time for Hibernation.

Hibernation. Time to go to sleep.

In the Winter where´s the Bear?

Sleeping in its log or Lair.

Where´s the Bear? Log or Lair. ¡OH!

In the Winter where´s the Rabbit?

In the Meadows, in the Woods, in the Grasslands,

Deserts, and Forests, in the Burrows, in the Holes, in the Warrens too.

Sitteth the Russian Bear in its´ Lair, and the Nato Huntsman cometh over.

Come now, let us go a hunting, a hunting for the Rabbit.

Why do your rifles come pointing, saith the Bear,

pointing to my Lair?

Why have your rifles so much Ammo?

Why do your rifles have the Caliber,

to go a hunting, not for the Rabbit, but for the Bear?

It wouldn´t  be in the best of interest, saith the Huntsman to his Despair,

to try to hunt the Bear inside his Lair.

Non-sense saith the Huntsman.

For I seeketh no Bear.

I go hunting for Rabbit!


This morning I had a dream. And in this dream which I did dream I saw a great white Bear, which stood before the face of the Earth. And this Bear, which was great in size and greatly to be feared, came from the North. And the news was told around the world of this great Behemoth. He also had a mortal wound upon his left foot, and many were astounded and amazed at how this creature of great proportions had managed to survive for so long, with such a mortal wound. And so, I came and stood before this great behemoth, to take a closer look, and he was fallen, stricken to the ground. His countenance was moved from him, and he began to shed many Tears.  Now, it was at this time that a very Ancient Man, a Man of Ages, approached this Bear and began to speak with a very ancient language. A language which no man understood. Yet, it was given unto me to understand. And he said to the great White Bear:

«You must rise again. You will rise again!»  And the Bear did answer Him saying, «I cannot rise again», but the ancient man continued to encourage this Great Behemoth, and many were the number of the multitude of people who gathered round about, who waited to see if He would arise.

E aqui en las visiones del día, e visto un Gran Oso blanco que estaba en pié ante la fáz de la tierra. Y éste Gran Oso blanco, que era inmenso y muy temido, llegó desde el norte. Y las noticias fueron dada por todo el mundo, acerca de ésta Gran Bestia. También, tenia una herida mortal sobre su pié izquierdo y muchos eran los que estaban atonitos y maravillados, preguntandose como era posible, que ésta Bestia de Grandes proporciones sobreviviera tanto tiempo, con ésta herida tan mortal. Y me puse en pié delante de ésta Gran Bestia para mirarla mas de cerca. Y pude ver que habia caido sobre la tierra, como si estuviera en estado catatonico, a consecuencia de la herida mortal. Y el contenido de su rostro fue mudado y comenzo a derramar muchas lagrimas. Fue entonces cuando se acercó Un Anciano a éste Oso y el Anciano era de las edades. Y comenzó hablar en una lengua muy antigüa, lengua que ningún hombre pudo entender, pero se me habia dado la facultad para entenderla. Y El Anciano de las edades le dijo ha éste Gran Oso Blanco:

«¡Tienes que levantarte de nuevo!» Y el Oso le contestó diciendo, «!No podre levantarme de nuevo¡»  Sin embargo, el Anciano de las Edades seguia animando a ésta Gran Bestia y era grande el numero de la multitud de gente que se habia congregado a su alrededor, que esperaban a ver si se levantaba.

The beast in the field

Publicado: 16 noviembre, 2011 en Poesias, Reflecciónes, Thoughts

With each coming day, the dew (moistness),  falleth upon my head. Every single morning with this yoke, to the field I am led. «With the beast of the field shall be your dwelling, until you recognize your place in this setting.»  Alas, I lift up mine eyes to the heavens, the firmament above . Behold, my reason returneth…like a blessing. ¿How long have I been dormant, drifting away from your presence? My locks (hair) are turned to feathers and my nails, like eagles´claws,..soiled beyond recognition, tainted with the very grounds´ essence, awaiting for the precious moment of my humble restitution. Low and behold, there cometh my master.  Yoke in hand, he points his finger and speaks to the hired hand. //Have him removed from the field of his  madness.  Open his mouth, in eloquent allocution, may he be established again, among men, driven away from insanity, restored to meekness everlasting.//

And so…I sojourn to the land of Moab. Torn between your precious will, and the temptation of running back to the hill.  //Where are they o son of man, those who professed, ever so kind, their abnegated love and friendship? Look around you for they are gone, for doth saith the Lord, cursed is the man who trusteth on man. Let the dead bury their dead and follow me. Trust in the Lord with all thy hear, with all thy mind, with all thy strength, and with all thy soul…continue thy sojourn.//

To the Deacon out of Place

Publicado: 2 junio, 2011 en Poesias, Reflecciónes, Thoughts

The Lord of Hosts has spoken, and the Holy one of Israels anger has been kindled.

And in the very same way He spoke with Job, doth He speak today to his people.

For the question was put to the test, and mans wisdom did fail in its quest.

Gird up thy loins, oh son of man, and stand upon both thy feet.

I shall ask, and ye shall speak.

For ye are the one that opaques and darkens the council of the wise, with lack of wisdom

Gird up thy loins, oh son of man and stand upon both thy feet.

I shall ask, and ye shall speak.

For this reason was this reunion called; to purge my people from its iniquity.

Will ye question this day, oh son of man, my reasoning, for thy lack of authority?

Ye became angry and your threats ye did breathe.

But now I offer thee, an exclusive oportunity; to teach thy way.

To overshadow and over rule.

To darken the council of the wise This day.

What is thy commitment to my church, and what your tagg-ons, to boldly speak against my elect?

For when He spoke, your word he smote.

Ye trembled and quivered, as my wisdom arose.

Come forth oh deacon, I will call thee by name.

Why have ye spoken out of place?

Thou art to blame!

Ye brag and ye boast of thy greats.

Today ye have uncovered the veil from your face.

I have also taken thine fire from within.

I am He that places, and the same that removes and replaces.

Whom, may I say, shall stand before me?

Art thou the one that claimeth to be of a pure heart and clean hands?

Show me thy clenliness.

Put forth thy hands and I shall see.

Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord:

though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.